Noodle Time

I made chicken, broccoli and noodles. My grandma was always asking me what I was eating- was I have balanced meals. It’s super weird now that she’s gone. I’m still in shock though it’s been a whole week. It feels longer. I keep thinking about all the things that will never happen again. So because I was feeling sad I made a balanced, I assume, meal.

Steamed broccoli, pan seared chicken and buttered noodle. I used my cast iron skillet- though not the one my grandma gave me. She had started giving away her things years ago. I had mentioned that I wanted her skillet so I could restore it.

General Dinner

I made a standard dinner. Chicken- lightly peppered and cooked in my cast iron skillet. Broccoli steamed just right. Not too tender but not too firm either. And some garlic potatoes from the steam fresh bags. I used the garlicy butter sauce to coat the chicken and broccoli. It was yummy. I haven’t made chicken in a while so it was nice.

If I hadn’t had potatoes I would have used rice. Though I’m just happy I can still eat cooked broccoli. I haven’t really had broccoli in a while because I’d been eating raw which was bad. I should also probably make a GI doctor’s appointment soon to see what’s going on.

German Comfort

I made spaetzle for dinner. It’s a type of noodle. It’s my grandma’s worst enemy and she stopped making long before I was born. When I was a child my mom made is sometimes. Usually my Aunt bought it and gave some of it to her sisters. We would eat it with chicken nuggets.It’s super easy to make but annoying to make. My grandma also cooked for six people and probably didn’t have time to make spaetzle often. I know she isn’t a fan of lots of dishes.

I put some chicken in the oven, using my cast iron skillet- olive oil and pepper on the chicken.  I glanced at the spaetzle recipe, I too usually just buy it. I couldn’t remember the right amount of eggs needed.  I also had steamed broccoli because yeah…it’s worth it. Lettuces is worth it too but lettuce gets a fast strong reaction that wipes me out. Anyway it was a lovely meal.